The organization is run entirely by volunteers and we need YOUR help to truly be successful!
A $250 refundable participation fee is paid by each family at registration. A family minimum of six (6) volunteer hours per season is required - more is encouraged. If the minimum participation of six hours is not met, the participation fee will not be refunded.
Important Reminders:
Please email the youth director with any questions.
Opportunities will be updated throughout the season. Volunteer invitations will come directly through the IVolunteer system or you can click on the links below to sign up.
Youth Games: Please don't sign up for booth spots (announcer, score, timer) unless you are completely comfortable as those slots can be filled by high school players. Time and Score are essential to keep the games running smoothly.
2024 Scrimmage (Full): Parents needed to help in concessions.
Field Striping: Parents needed to help stripe the fields. New dates added throughout the season.
50/50 Raffle (full): Parent/athlete duo needed to sell 50/50 Raffle Tickets at Varsity home games.
Apparel Booth (full): Parents needed to sell apparel at Varsity home games.
Equipment Transport (full): Parents with trucks needed to move equipment from storage shed to middle school.
Helmet Stickering (full): Parents are needed to help sticker helmets for the upcoming season.
Equipment Handout Prep (full): Parents are needed to help load, unload and set up equipment for handout.
Equipment Handout (full): Parents are needed to help assist with handout. Do not sign up for helmets unless you are a coach.
Equipment Shed Volunteer: Two parents are needed to help disinfect & put away equipment at the end of each practice.
Youth Game Day Volunteers: Multiple parents are need to help on game days. Games cannot be started without three people for chain gang.